# Title Speaker Event Place Date Type
1 ATLAS Latest Dark Matter Searches Nikolai Fomin 31st International Workshop on DIS Grenoble, France 10 April 2024 Oral pres.
2 Erlend Aakvaag ATLAS HLepton Workshop Geneva, Switzerland March 2024 Oral pres.
3 Erlend Aakvaag ATLAS HLepton Editorial Board request talk Geneva, Switzerland March 2024 Oral pres.
4 Erlend Aakvaag ATLAS Tau CP workshop Geneva, Switzerland March 2024 Oral pres.
5 CP violation in Higgs sector (A phenomenological and first principle overview) Dibyakrupa Sahoo Particle Physics and Cosmology Seminar Warsaw, Poland 29 February 2024 Oral pres.
6 Quantum theory of dark matter scattering Ayuki Kamada 2nd Edition of the Workshop 'Quarkonia meet Dark Matter' Germany 3 December 2023 Oral pres.
7 Self-interacting dark matter: strong or resonant interaction Ayuki Kamada TUM HEP Seminar Munich, Germany 30 November 2023 Oral pres.
8 (sub-)GeV dark matter - asymmetric dark matter - Ayuki Kamada NCBJ seminar Warsaw, Poland 29 November 2023 Oral pres.
9 Three-body Entanglement in Particle Decays Kazuki Sakurai Polish Particle and Nuclear Theory Summit (2PiNTS) Kraków, Poland 24 November 2023 Oral pres.
10 Krzysztof Rolbiecki Insitute of Theoretical Physics seminar Warsaw, Poland 16 November 2023 Oral pres.
11 Three-body Entanglement in Particle Decays Kazuki Sakurai GGI workshop on Quantum Observables for Collider Physics Florence, Italy 11 November 2023 Oral pres.
12 Self-interacting dark matter: strong or resonant interaction Ayuki Kamada E-lab Seminar Nagoya, Japan 31 October 2023 Oral pres.
13 Enhancing DM searches in LHC with ML Rafał Masełek IRN Terascale Meeting Marseille, France 25 October 2023 Oral pres.
14 Quantum theory of dark matter scattering Ayuki Kamada CTPU workshop on Particle Physics and Cosmology Korea 24 October 2023 Oral pres.
15 Signal region combination in CheckMATE Krzysztof Rolbiecki Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Warsaw, Poland 9 October 2023 Oral pres.
16 Erlend Aakvaag ATLAS Higgs Workshop Tokyo, Japan October 2023 Oral pres.
17 Dibyakrupa Sahoo WG2 WG3 joint meeting on CP violation in extended Higgs sector Geneva, Switzerland 26 September 2023 Oral pres.
18 Dibyakrupa Sahoo Matter To The Deepest Ustroń, Poland 20 September 2023 Oral pres.
19 Quantum information and CP measurement in H → τ+τ- at future lepton colliders Kazuki Sakurai Workshop on Quantum Computing for High-Energy Physics Durham, United Kingdom 19 September 2023 Oral pres.
20 Erlend Aakvaag European School of High-Energy Physics , 6-19 September 2023 Oral pres.
21 Probing CP violation in Higgs -> tau+ tau- gamma Dibyakrupa Sahoo Scalars 2023 Warsaw, Poland 15 September 2023 Oral pres.
22 Self-interacting dark matter: strong or resonant interaction Ayuki Kamada Particle Physics and Cosmology Seminar Warsaw, Poland 11 September 2023 Oral pres.
23 Self-interacting dark matter: strong or resonant interaction Ayuki Kamada APEC Seminar Japan 8 September 2023 Oral pres.
24 Machine Learning Classification of mini Black Holes and EW sphalerons at colliders Kazuki Sakurai Corfu 2023, BSM Workshop Corfu, Greece 1 September 2023 Oral pres.
25 pNGBs under finite temperature Fotis Koutroulis Scalars 2023 Warsaw, Poland September 2023 Oral pres.
26 Searching for Dark Matter in the LHC with the help of Machine Learning Rafał Masełek Corfu Summer Institute, BSM workshop Corfu, Greece 1 September 2023 Oral pres.
27 Signal region combination in CheckMATE Krzysztof Rolbiecki (Re)interpretation of the LHC results for new physics Durham, Great Britain 29 August 2023 Oral pres.
28 Probing CP violation in Higgs -> tau+ tau- gamma Dibyakrupa Sahoo Corfu Summer Institute, BSM workshop Corfu, Greece 29 August 2023 Oral pres.
29 Evolution of Resonant Self-interacting Dark Matter Halos Ayuki Kamada PPP 2023 Japan 28 August 2023 Oral pres.
30 Enhancing LHC searches for Dark Matter with Machine Learning Rafał Masełek Rencontres du Vietnam Quy Nhon, Vietnam 9 August 2023 Oral pres.
31 Thermal effects in Ising cosmology Fotis Koutroulis Corfu Summer Institute, BSM Workshop Corfu, Greece August 2023 Oral pres.
32 Triple Higgs boson production at a 100 TeV proton-proton collider Kazuki Sakurai HHH Workshop Dubrovnik, Croatia 16 July 2023 Oral pres.
33 Nikolai Fomin TRIUMF seminar on DM searches Vancouver, Canada 5 July 2023 Oral pres.
34 Evolution of Resonant Self-interacting Dark Matter Halos Ayuki Kamada Workshop on Self-Interacting Dark Matter: Models, Simulations and Signals Italy 23 June 2023 Oral pres.
35 Manifesting hidden dynamics of a sub-component DM Ayuki Kamada BDM 2023 Korea 17 June 2023 Oral pres.
36 Quantum information and CP measurement in 𝐻 → 𝜏+ 𝜏− at future high energy lepton colliders Priyanka Lamba Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Bergen, Norway 14-15 June 2023 Oral pres.
37 New ATLAS results in monoHiggs to tau tau and combination for DM limits Erlend Aakvaag Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Bergen, Norway 14-15 June 2023 Oral pres.
38 Monojet signatures from gluino and squark decays Iñaki Lara Pérez Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Bergen, Norway 14-15 June 2023 Oral pres.
39 Asymmetry of weights Anna Lipniacka Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Bergen, Norway 14-15 June 2023 Oral pres.
40 Quantum theory of dark matter scattering Ayuki Kamada PPC 2023 Korea 15 June 2023 Oral pres.
41 Mono-Higgs searches at the HL-LHC Amit Adhikary Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Bergen, Norway 14-15 June 2023 Oral pres.
42 Higgs in the MRSSM Jan Kalinowski Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Bergen, Norway 14-15 June 2023 Oral pres.
43 CP violation in H → τ+ τ− γ An overview of phenomenological analysis. Dibyakrupa Sahoo Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Bergen, Norway 14-15 June 2023 Oral pres.
44 Towards improved electroweakino limits Krzysztof Rolbiecki Conference of Norwegian Financial Mechanism "Early Universe" project Bergen, Norway 14 June 2023 Oral pres.
45 Fotis Koutroulis Planck 2023 Warsaw, Poland June 2023 Oral pres.
46 Revisiting the b -> c l nu anomalies with charged Higgs boson Amit Adhikary PLANCK 2023 Warsaw, Poland 22-26 May 2023 Oral pres.
47 Quantum theory of dark matter scattering Ayuki Kamada Planck 2023 Japan, online 23 May 2023 Oral pres.
48 Detecting Quantum Entanglement at Colliders Kazuki Sakurai Planck 2023 Warsaw, Poland 22 May 2023 Oral pres.
49 Aurora Grefsrud HVL PhD Seminar 8 May 2023 Poster
50 LHC constraints on electroweakino dark matter revisited Iñaki Lara Pérez Planck 2023 Warsaw, Poland May 2023 Oral pres.
51 Mono-searches Krzysztof Rolbiecki Final GRIEG meeting Early Universe Warsaw, Poland 3 April 2023 Oral pres.
52 Quantum theory of dark matter scattering Ayuki Kamada Joint Workshop of the Nagoya B-1 units “Heavy Flavor & Dark Matter Japan 30 March 2023 Oral pres.
53 Prospects for detecting long-lived particles at the LHC Rafał Masełek Seminar at KEK Tsukuba, Japan 28 March 2023 Oral pres.
54 Partikkelfysikk eksperimenter Erlend Aakvaag Particle physics masterclass Bergen, Norway 24 March 2023 Oral pres.
55 Machine Learning Classification of mini Black Holes and EW sphalerons at colliders Kazuki Sakurai Workshop on Foundational tests of Quantum Mechanics at the LHC Oxford, United Kingdom 21 March 2023 Oral pres.
56 Krzysztof Rolbiecki Institute of Experimental Physics seminar Warsaw, Poland 10 March 2023 Oral pres.
57 Three-body Entanglement in Particle Decays Kazuki Sakurai PITT PACC Workshop: Exploring Quantum Mechanics in High Energy Physics Pittsburgh, USA 8 March 2023 Oral pres.
58 Erlend Aakvaag ATLAS Tau CP workshop Geneva, Switzerland February 2023 Oral pres.
59 Aurora Grefsrud The 27th Nordic Conference on particle physics Vinstra, Norway 5 January 2023 Oral pres.
60 LHC constraints on monojet signatures from electroweakino DM and coloured-superpartner decays Iñaki Lara Pérez (Re)interpretation of the LHC results for new physics Geneva, Switzerland 15 December 2022 Oral pres.
61 Implementation of multi-bin searches in CheckMATE Iñaki Lara Pérez (Re)interpretation of the LHC results for new physics Geneva, Switzerland 12 December 2022 Oral pres.
62 Implementation of BDT and NN searches in CheckMATE Krzysztof Rolbiecki (Re)interpretation of the LHC results for new physics Geneva, Switzerland 12 December 2022 Oral pres.
63 Thermal effects in Ising cosmlogy Fotis Koutroulis Institut Jožef Stefan seminar Ljublana, Slovenia (On-line) 8 December 2022 Oral pres.
64 Testing Bell inequalities in H-> tau tau at future lepton colliders Kazuki Sakurai Symposium of the Division for Physics of Fundamental Interactions of the Polish Physical Society, Standard Model and Beyond Katowice, Poland 22 October 2022 Oral pres.
65 New constraints on light SUSY-EW sector Krzysztof Rolbiecki 5th Symposium of the Division for Physics of Fundamental Interactions of the Polish Physical Society, Standard Model and Beyond Katowice, Poland 22 October 2022 Oral pres.
66 Asymmetric dark matter: signatures of dark hadrons and dark photon Ayuki Kamada 5th Symposium of the Division for Physics of Fundamental Interactions of the Polish Physical Society Poland 22 October 2022 Oral pres.
67 Phase transitions in models with extra dimensions Fotis Koutroulis Conference of Norwegian Finacial Mechanism “Early Universe” project Warsaw, Poland 17 October 2022 Oral pres.
68 Monojet signatures from gluino and squark decays Iñaki Lara Pérez Conference of Norwegian Finacial Mechanism “Early Universe” project Warsaw, Poland 17 October 2022 Oral pres.
69 Sphaleron/Instanton Induced Processes Kazuki Sakurai Conference of Norwegian Finacial Mechanism “Early Universe” project Warsaw, Poland 17 October 2022 Oral pres.
70 LHC constraints on electroweakino dark matter revisited Krzysztof Rolbiecki Conference of Norwegian Finacial Mechanism “Early Universe” project Warsaw, Poland 17 October 2022 Oral pres.
71 Asymmetric dark matter: signatures of dark hadrons and dark photon Ayuki Kamada DM3 Japan 16 September 2022 Oral pres.
72 Physics, Theory and Phenomenology Anna Lipniacka NorCC Workshop Oslo, Norway 14 September 2022 Oral pres.
73 Searching for BSM physics in Yukawa couplings Stefan Pokorski Corfu Summer Institute 2022, Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond Corfu, Greece 3 September 2022 Oral pres.
74 Testing Bell inequalities in H-> tau tau process at the LHC Kazuki Sakurai Corfu Summer Institute 2022, Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond Corfu, Greece 29 August 2022 Oral pres.
75 Collider physics and the Early Universe Anna Lipniacka Fourth Conference of Nordic Network for Diversity in Physics Reykjavik, Iceland 19 August 2022 Oral pres.
76 Perturbative Unitarity of dark pion dark matter Ayuki Kamada APEC Seminar Japan 2 August 2022 Oral pres.
77 Unitarity bounds on heavy dark matter interactions Ayuki Kamada 2nd Workshop on Multimessenger Study of Heavy Dark Matter Japan 11 July 2022 Oral pres.
78 Towards an Ising universe Fotis Koutroulis Humboldt Kolleg: Clues to a mysterious Universe - exploring the interface of particle, gravity and quantum physics Kitzbuehel, Austria 30 June 2022 Oral pres.
79 SUSY solution to the muon g-2 anomaly with and without stable neutralino Kazuki Sakurai Humboldt Kolleg: Clues to a mysterious Universe - exploring the interface of particle, gravity and quantum physics Kitzbuehel, Austria 30 June 2022 Oral pres.
80 LHC constraints on monojet signatures from electroweakino DM and coloured-superpartner decays Iñaki Lara Pérez The XXIX International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions Ioannina, Greece 29 June 2022 Oral pres.
81 BSM physics in Yukawa couplings and flavour symmetries Stefan Pokorski Humboldt Kolleg: Clues to a mysterious Universe - exploring the interface of particle, gravity and quantum physics Kitzbuehel, Austria 29 June 2022 Oral pres.
82 Overview talk on CheckMATE Krzysztof Rolbiecki IOP workshop on prospects of fiducial cross-section measurements and reinterpretations as a component of searches and measurements at LHC Brighton, UK 15 June 2022 Oral pres.
83 Maximally self-interacting dark matter Ayuki Kamada HECA Seminar Poland, online 7 June 2022 Oral pres.
84 Understanding the Early Universe: interplay of theory and collider experiments Iñaki Lara Pérez EPS Forum Geneva, Switzerland 3 June 2022 Poster
85 SUSY explanation of the muon g-2 anomaly with and without stable neutralino Kazuki Sakurai International Conference From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale Paris, France 1 June 2022 Oral pres.
86 Introduction to the Early Universe project goals Anna Lipniacka NorCC Workshop on particle physics in ATLAS Geilo, Norway 24 May 2022 Oral pres.
87 Searching for Mono-Higgs with taus Nikolai Fomin NorCC Workshop on particle physics in ATLAS Geilo, Norway 23 May 2022 Oral pres.
88 Searches for strong production of supersymmetric particles with the ATLAS detector Bertrand Martin Dit Latour Phenomenology Symposium 2022 Pittsburgh, USA 9-11 May 2022 Oral pres.
89 Searches for strong production of supersymmetric particles with the ATLAS detector Bertrand Martin Dit Latour Pheno 2022 Pittsburgh, USA 10 May 2022 Oral pres.
90 Dark hadrons and intensity/lifetime frontier experiments Ayuki Kamada HEPAP/CMA Seminar USA, online 12 April 2022 Oral pres.
91 Velkommen til MasterClass i partikkelfysikk! Therese Sjursen Particle physics masterclass Bergen, Norway 24 March 2022 Oral pres.
92 Trygve Buanes Particle physics masterclass Bergen, Norway 24 March 2022 Oral pres.
93 LHC constraints on electroweakino dark matter revisited Krzysztof Rolbiecki Rencontres de Moriond QCD and High Energy Interactions La Thuile, Italy 23 March 2022 Oral pres.
94 Phenomenology in ATLAS Anna Lipniacka NorCC: Strategy discussion Kick-off meeting Online 11 March 2022 Oral pres.
95 Dark hadrons and intensity/lifetime frontier experiments Ayuki Kamada Particle Physics and Cosmology Seminar Warsaw, Poland 10 March 2022 Oral pres.
96 Quantum theory of dark matter scattering Ayuki Kamada APEC Seminar Japan 17 February 2022 Oral pres.
97 SUSY (g-2)μ with & without Neutralino Dark Matter Kazuki Sakurai Discrete conference Bergen, Norway 129 November - 3 December, 2021 Oral pres.
98 Unblinding approval:Search for Dark Matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to tau leptons at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector Nikolai Fomin ATLAS Higgs and Dibosons meeting Online (ATLAS only) 3 October 2021 Oral pres.
99 Searching for BSM Physics in Yukawa Couplings and Flavour Symmetries Stefan Pokorski FCC physics zoom meeting Online 27 September 2021 Oral pres.
100 Searches for long-lived particles at the LHC Kazuki Sakurai XLVII Congreess of Polish Physicists Bydgoszcz, Poland 19-23 September 2021 Oral pres.
101 Mono-Higgs to tau tau, status update Nikolai Fomin ATLAS meeting, two Higgs doublet model group Online (ATLAS only) 20 September 2021 Oral pres.
102 Supersymmetric Muon g-2 with/without stable Neutralino Kazuki Sakurai Corfu conference Corfu, Greece 30 August - 8 September 2021 Oral pres.
103 Search for Dark Matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to tau leptons at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector Erlend Aakvaag NorCC (Norwegian Center for CERN-related research) workshop Online 3 September 2021 Oral pres.
104 Status of MonoHiggs to tau tau search Nikolai Fomin ATLAS Higgs beyond Standard Model meeting Online (ATLAS only) 26 August 2021 Oral pres.
105 SEARCHING FOR BSM PHYSICS IN HIGGS COUPLINGS TO FERMIONS AND FLAVOUR SYMMETRIES Stefan Pokorski Twenties Lomonosow Conference on Elementary Particle Physics Moscow, Russia 19-25 August 2021 Oral pres.
106 Very heavy dark matter and its late-time decay Ayuki Kamada 1st Workshop on Multimessenger Study of Heavy Dark Matter Japan 2 August 2021 Oral pres.
107 Talk dedicated to Jurek Lukierski on his 85th birthday Stefan Pokorski Symposium on quantum symmetries, noncommutative geometry and quantum gravity Wrocław, Poland 24 - 25 June 2021 Oral pres.
108 Light feebly interacting massive particle: freeze-in production and galactic-scale structure formation Ayuki Kamada HECA seminar Warsaw, Poland 27 April 2021 Oral pres.
109 Status of the Internal Note HDBS-2018-50 concerning the search for MonoHiggs to tau tau Nikolai Fomin Third ATLAS Editorial Board meeting for MonoHiggs to tau tau Online (ATLAS only) 12 April 2021 Oral pres.
110 Status update on search for MonoHiggs to tau tau Nikolai Fomin ATLAS Beyond Standard Model Higgs meeting Online (ATLAS only) 18 March 2021 Oral pres.
111 Composite asymmetric dark matter and galactic rotation curves Ayuki Kamada Particle Physics and Cosmology Seminar Warsaw, Poland 4 March 2021 Oral pres.
112 Beyond-WIMP DM models and constraints from anomalous strong-lens systems Ayuki Kamada Time-Domain Cosmology with Strong Gravitational Lensing Workshop Bergen, Norway 1 February 2021 Oral pres.